Story Section Rules - Read this before you Post
Important -- Read this First
UA Content/Child Nudes, Religious, Political, Copyrighted Images not allowed.
Do not post Real life Fakes or Other website watermarked Images
Do not post or share Mail IDs / Mobile # / Other website links & Invites
Failing to above said rules will result in Warning, Ban , IP Ban
Rule Breakers Posts, Pics, Threads will be removed without any Warning
1. 1st Rule of story section is SEARCH BEFORE POSTING. Just copy paste the 1st line of the story which u are going to post and see if its already been posted in the forum or not, Please follow this rule always as we don't want to have same stories been posted again and again
2. If you are copy pasting stories from some other sites, Please do not give the same thread title as in the other site, Just give different thread title
3. Do not post too short stories, such story threads will be removed with out any warning, If you want to post short stories make a mega thread with all your short stories in single thread with a index in 1st page
4. Do not make a post which is very short or very long, Keep your posts medium sized, It helps the thread page size reasonable. Too shorter posts will be merged
5. Do not post stories in Parts, Instead Post and update all your story parts in a single mega thread
6. Do not insert other site links in between words in the post, If we find anyone doing it will result in warnings or a ban
7. pdf , txt format stories are allowed and must be posted only as attachments, Further the file format must be mentioned in thread title
8. Please Avoid Quote or Multi Quote option in stories section unless if its absolutely necessary
9. All basic rules of the forum applies to this section as well
10. **,Child,bestiality,political name Stories strictly not allowed
11. Incomplete Stories or Not updated stories for more then 180 days will be Locked/Junked/Pruned from the section, And if you want the threads back contact section moderators
12. Post your stories in correct language sections and give correct and matching thread prefix
13. If you are posting a story in Regional languages please try to give both Regional and English thread title
14. Do not request visitors to send their comments to your PM id, or do not share PM id's,phone numbers or any other personal information
15. Do not use FULL CAPS in thread title or in posts
16. Use Large and Color fonts only for story title, Avoid to use it for full story post as it will look so flashy for Story readers
17. Do not post Screenshot stories in images.
If you come across a single objectionable or violating post, please click the 'Report Bad Post' icon on the individual post and click send with your remarks. This will dispatch a note to moderators alerting them of the post, and they will check into it as soon as possible. If you believe a post deserves immediate removal, take a look at our Forum Leaders page and feel free to contact one of the Staff Members who are currently on-line.